Crafting · Crochet

Friends Crochet Kit Review

Anyone that knows me also knows that one of my all time favorite TV shows is “FRIENDS”. I also enjoy crocheting Amigurumi. So naturally when I saw the “FRIENDS CROCHET” kit , it was the best of both worlds. I wanted the kit in the worst way but was hesitant on purchasing it due to the amount of mixed reviews. After reading many of the reviews on Amazon and contemplating for a few days, I decided that I wanted to be the judge of the kit and try it myself. I just want to throw in that this is a non-sponsored post and does not contain affiliate links. This post is my genuine, honest review of the kit.

What’s included

I purchased the kit on Amazon for $19.78. The kit came packaged very nicely as shown above. Included is a crochet hook, needle, yarn, stuffing, pipe cleaner, embroidery floss and the 80 page pattern book. The kit includes enough supplies to make the 2 specified projects (couch and turkey).

The pattern book contains the following 13 patterns:

  • Central Perk orange couch
  • Thanksgiving turkey
  • Rachel
  • Ross
  • Phoebe
  • Joey
  • Monica
  • Chandler
  • Coffee cup
  • Marcel the monkey
  • Phoebe’s guitar
  • chick
  • duck

My first impression was the same as many other reviewers in regards to the supplied materials. The yarn was very rough and scratchy and the crochet hook was uncomfortable to work with. I opted to use my own crochet hook instead of the kit supplied hook; however, I did use the yarn supplied with the kit to make the couch and turkey. For the price of the kit, I expected that the included materials would not be exceptional quality. I do feel that nicer quality yarn could have been provided for the couch and the turkey at the same price point.

Upon receiving the kit, some reviewers were dissatisfied the crochet kit did not contain enough materials for all 13 projects. However, the box did clearly state that the kit only included supplies for the couch and turkey. I knew this prior to purchasing the kit and I was fine with it. One thing I feel is often times over looked is the value of the patterns. Not only does the kit include 13 patterns, but they are in paperback format, not pdf. When I purchase individual patterns online, not only do I have the cost of the pattern, but also the cost of the ink and paper to print the patterns at home.

What I made


The first pattern I made was the Central Perk couch. The couch pattern really had me curious since several reviews I read and YouTube videos I watched expressed their difficulty with the pattern. Making the couch went very smoothly for me. There were 2 small errors in the pattern, but I was able to figure them out right away without delay continuing the pattern. My advice to anyone making these patterns is to look at the total stitch count for each round/row. The 2 errors in the couch pattern were just simply a miscalculation of 1 stitch within the round/row instructions, but I was able to correct it because I knew what the total stitch count should be.

The yarn looks much better than it feels and
looks even better once it’s crocheted.

I crocheted all of the trim as instructed and glued the trim pieces to the couch with Aleene’s Tacky Glue. Using lots of pins to hold the trim in place while the glue was drying was essential. I also put pins on the top of the couch as seen in the photo below so I knew exactly where to put the needle to pull the yarn through when doing the tufting on the couch.

Yay the couch is complete. The tufting on the couch was the only part of the pattern I had a difficult time wrapping my mind around the process of it. It was no fault of the pattern.


After completing the couch, I made the turkey. I wanted to make sure to complete both projects that the kit included supplies for first. The pattern was very easy and there was only 1 mistake that I found in the pattern. One round in the pattern said “sc in each st (10)” when in fact it should have been “2sc in each st (10)”.

Here is a picture of the supplies I have leftover after making the couch and the turkey. The kit provided enough yarn, stuffing, etc. to make the 2 patterns as promised. I think I may even have enough yarn left to make Marcel and possibly enough yarn to make another entire couch.

The Chick

After the turkey, I could not resist making the chick. He stole my heart as soon as I saw him. I found no mistakes in his pattern and he was so easy and quick to crochet. Isn’t he adorable?

The Duck

I had the same experience crocheting the duck as I did the chick. The pattern did not have any mistakes that I could find and the duck was very quick and easy to crochet.

Aren’t they the cutest little couple?

You can see in my photo, comparing the chick and the duck with the turkey and the couch that the yarn used makes a little bit of a difference visually. I used worsted weight Red Heart acrylic yarn for the chick and duck. The kit supplied yarn was used for the turkey and the couch.

Next I plan to make sweet Marcel followed by the rest of the characters and Phoebe’s guitar. If you would like to see the rest of the gang once they are finished, let me know and maybe I will make another blog post.

Final Thoughts

Overall, even with the mistakes that I have found in the patterns, I have no regrets buying the Friends Crochet kit. I feel the kit was offered at an okay price considering the paperback pattern book includes 13 patterns. I would not have paid more for it, but I am glad I bought it and am thoroughly enjoying making the cute characters! Yes, it would have been ideal if the supplies were a bit better quality, but seeing the supplies in advance would not have changed my decision to purchase the kit.

If the quality of the yarn and the crochet hook are a deal breaker for you, maybe consider passing on the kit. Also, if you are a complete beginner, keep in mind that there are a few mistakes throughout that you will need to have a few basic crochet skills in order to easily catch them and correct them.

I do hope you enjoyed this review. If you enjoy my blog posts, please consider subscribing to my blog so you review notifications for future posts. You can also find me on Instagram and Facebook.

Thank you so much for stopping by. Happy crafting 🙂