
First Quilt of 2021 💕

Hello everyone! Here it is February, 2021 and I finally just finished my first quilt of the year. Time flies, and before we know it, we will be working on Christmas projects again.

So many projects are on my to do list for 2021. If I am able to tackle at least half of them, I will consider it a successful year. I am really excited about my first quilt of 2021 that I am sharing with you today.

About the Pattern

When I was trying to decide on a quilt pattern, I realized that I didn’t have anything to display in my home for Valentine’s Day except for a table runner I made ages ago. It was perfect timing when I saw that Erica Arndt from Confessions of a Homeschooler just released a new quilt pattern in January called “Sweet Hearts”. I knew without a doubt I wanted to make it.

It was an easy pattern and it didn’t take very long to construct and sew together the quilt top. If you are a beginner quilter and are comfortable sewing half-square triangles, you will do just fine making this pattern.

Erica Arndt is one of my favorite YouTubers and I have been a subscriber to her channel for quite a long time. She offers a great variety of content on her channel for sewing, quilting, knitting, and homeschooling. I have made some of Erica’s patterns in the past and they always turn out really cute. Her patterns are very well written with clear, organized, and easy to read instructions. “Vintage Fall” and “Vintage Christmas” are two of Erica’s quilt patterns that are on my do list for this year.

The Fabric

Since I didn’t have any coordinating collections of Valentine themed fabric, I used mostly scraps of pinks and reds I had on hand for the quilt top.

For the binding and backing, I used yardage that was initially intended for a different project that I never ended up making.

Cutting the Fabric

I was spoiled at Christmas this past year so I had the pleasure of using my new Accuquilt cutting system to cut most of the fabric required for the quilt. The Accuquilt sure does make the cutting process go much faster and also makes life easier on my achy hands. If you are interested in seeing my Accuquilt setup, I am hoping to share some detailed information with you about it soon.


I am going to be honest here by saying that I am not creative with my free motion quilting. Meandering and swirls are the extent of my free motion quilting designs. It’s my comfort zone and I have never felt any desire to step outside of it. Most of my quilts that you see will have a simple meandering quilt design. Frankly, I rather enjoy doing a simple meandering and find it quite relaxing. 

The Finished Quilt

Yay, its finished! Isn’t always such a great feeling when you purchase a quilt pattern and actually make the quilt?

I really enjoyed making the Sweet Hearts quilt. I am so happy with the end result and I hope you enjoyed me sharing it with you.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post. Please subscribe to my blog to get notifications for future blog posts.

6 thoughts on “First Quilt of 2021 💕

  1. Oh my gosh, I love it! So pretty ❤️ Very neat to see it from start to finish. Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Thank you so much Nealey ♥. So glad you like it. It was a fun project to make 🙂

  2. This quilt is simply stunning! Absolutely love the sweetheart theme….you are so talented, Katrina!! Thank you for sharing all the details. I love following this blog with all you are doing. Keep those quilts coming!💗

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words Angie ♥ They brightened my day! So glad you are enjoying my posts. 🙂

    1. I was originally going to display it in my living room, but it is too big so it is now on my bed and I love it 🙂

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